
Saturday, January 2, 2016


Hey everyone! With New Year's coming up it's high time I made a 'best of 2015' post! So let's get going!

The good.
-The first Star wars movie to come out in like..40 something years! That is pretty cool. (I finally got to see it on New Year's day! And there will be a review soon!)
-The Royals won! This was the fist time since like the 1960's which is awesome!
-I know this is super late for me but this year I started watching Pokemon with my younger sister..:)
-This was the year I became OBSESSED with anime :)
-I watched a lot of Star wars rebels :)

The bad
-I wasted the majority of my weekends from march to august at a stranger's house
-I didn't get my driving permit
-I was hoping to start some lessons like martial arts or something but that didn't work :)
-I didn't exercise enough
-I got sick a lot

Goals for 2016
-Get a job (Maybe)
-Get a driving permit
-be able to do lessons this year
-Make a point to exercise at least three times a week
-watch more anime! :)
-Maybe go to comic-con
-be a lot more healthier
-I'll think of more goals through out the year! :)

Thanks for reading! What are your goals for 2016?


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